Workshops Available
Student Author Visits - Lulu visits the school and does a reading with the students. Visits provide students an overview of publishing a book, story about the author and open to questions. Original artwork of the book is also available for students to experience.
Student Workshop/Classes - Lulu visits the school/classrooms to read the book and take students through a series of activities. Workshops and Classes can be customized to school’s needs and outcomes. Painting sessions can be included where students “paint their sky” with a focus on identity and building classroom community.
Teacher Workshops - 60-90 minute teacher workshops can be scheduled to better implement the book and lessons of “Sue’s Sky”. Teachers will experience all 5 lessons: safe spaces, bias, bullying, identity, community and teamwork.
Family Night - Read and paint family nights to provide a unique, hands-on experience for students and parents. While students paint, parents will be provided an overview of the lessons to reinforce messages at home.
Customized Training, Workshops and Classes - Lulu is an experienced trainer in delivering training around various topics. Leadership painting sessions with “Sue’s Sky” has been delivered to various groups. Customized goals for districts and schools are available after a consultation meeting.
Keynote - Contact Lulu for various topics.
All events vary on cost - dependent but not limited to: location, travel, material expenses, preparation and delivery time. Call for consultation and cost.
Lesson Plan Description:
Based on the book “Sue’s Sky” Lulu Buck developed 5 lessons to help educators teach: safe spaces, anti-bullying, acceptance, identity, community, bias, and teamwork.